January was a good month. It’s been cold and snowy this winter, alright. But we managed to have lots of fun, inside and out. There was a quickie road trip to Boston with some McLaughlin cousins, and a few visits to Brooklyn with a brand new Murphy cousin. There were games to play, and trees to climb, and music to play, and instruments to make. There was a birthday to celebrate — Kate is fifteen! There was plenty of snow to play in … and to look at. The two sledding photos below were NOT taken by me (I confessed to sipping tea and working at my computer instead in THIS post), but are a contribution from my good friend Diane. I love them, but of course seeing them made me feel guilty for not having joined in the fun.
Are you following me on Instagram yet? I’m @jayemcl, or you can just click on the little blue Instagram icon at the top right of this screen if you want to find me. Or if you missed it, here are January’s snaps:
Thanks for looking!
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Jaye McLaughlin is an award-winning newborn and family photographer serving Westchester, NYC and beyond since 2010.
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