These girls.
I think they were the very first ones, waaaaay back when, to ask for a play date with me after a session. That makes an impression, I tell you.I love how she has no qualms about kissing puppy on the mouth (above) but makes a completely grossed-out face when her own sister kisses her on the cheek (below). That’s grounds for a wet willie!!! 🙂
We sure do have fun. This time around, we welcomed their newest family member – a German Shepherd puppy named Ellie – and spent a good amount of time playing around with what I have started to refer to as an additional member of the family, big sister’s hair. Always fun!
I’ll be seeing this family again in a few weeks when we do a special shoot (a weekday mini session just for the occasion) in little sister’s communion dress. Can’t wait! (To see last year’s session and click back to all the previous ones from there, you can click HERE).
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Jaye McLaughlin is an award-winning newborn and family photographer serving Westchester, NYC and beyond since 2010.
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