I ventured up north a bit for this new LYYP family’s session. I was delighted by the fog that filled the space between the tall trees in their ample front yard. As usual, though, it was the personalities and the relationships between the members (furry and otherwise) of this sweet Katonah family that stand out as my favorite parts of their session. I was happy to be their Katonah Family Photographer and to meet the whole crew, including Ethan the dog and Scout the kitty.
They’re a family of animal lovers, and they love the outdoors. Chasing Ethan around the yard on Daddy’s shoulders.
All wet from the dewy grass — time for some diaper time. (You may know this about me, but I’m really pushy about getting one year olds stripped down to their diaper for part of the session. One year olds are like transformers — they look like full blown toddlers when they’re fully dressed, but when you unveil the belly, you can see that they’ve still got their round and pudgy baby bodes for a few more months).
Does she look like her mama, or what??
Ethan’s the big brother.
Hide and seek!
Tuckered out.Bye-bye, Ethan!
My two favorites from this session are HERE and HERE – don’t miss them!
Thanks for looking,
Katonah Family Photographer
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Jaye McLaughlin is an award-winning newborn and family photographer serving Westchester, NYC and beyond since 2010.
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