January 2017! I’m slowly but surely catching up with all my personal photos, but still behind.
I always think of January as a quiet month – a month for hibernating and recovering from the holidays. Well, it never works out that way, and that’s OK. We started this past January by ringing in the New Year with our Irish cousins in Ballymahon – that was pretty incredible. Once back home, our regular routines kicked back in. We had a birthday (HOLY MOLY. Eighteen!), a couple of snowstorms and lots of playing catch-up (at least for me).
Toward the end of the month, I had the privilege of attending a photography conference in Santa Barbara, California with NAPCP (The National Association of Professional Child Photographers). My good buddy Lena (of Live Love Laugh Photos) came with me and we had a fantastic experience. I took many more notes than photos there, but I’m happy to have the ones I did take. Photo walks, mentoring sessions, talks and workshops by industry leaders AND the camaraderie of like minded fellow photographers … in a beautiful hotel by the beach? Yes please!
Lena took this photo of me, and it’s now my Facebook profile pic. Thanks Lena! 😉
I had to cut out of the conference early to race home and see THIS guy in Pelham Middle School’s production of Beauty and the Beast. HE was positively primeval and I loved every single second of it. My favorite movie EVER, performed by my third child and a fabulous group of young actors. I laughed, I cried, and my heart swelled with pride! (If you’ve got a performer in the show, drop me a line and will be happy to share these and many other photos from the show).
The actor with his biggest fans:
So many more little moments captured in my instagram feed. Basketball games, eighties Italian wedding parties, contests run, sessions shared and shot, a trip to the zoo in the snow, a trip to the Rolling Stones exhibit in the West Village, college planning by the fire, a broken finger … such a busy life.
Whew! Thanks for looking,
I drop in occasionally with tips, deals and announcements. Want to be the first to know?
Jaye McLaughlin is an award-winning newborn and family photographer serving Westchester, NYC and beyond since 2010.
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