Technology is great, isn’t it?
Years ago, I used to forget about a book (seemingly) moments after reading it.
Then, Instagram was invented and I developed a GENIUS system wherein I took a picture of every book I read and posted the picture with a unique hashtag. Whenever someone asked me to recommend a book I’d read, I could search that hashtag and all my saved book photos would come up.
I even got fancy at one point and realized that I could make a highlight of all the books I’d read. Then I learned that the max number of photos in a highlight is 100, so I want back to the original, tried and true system.
Instagram changed the way they do hashtags. I can’t search anymore. I’m annoyed. And frustrated. And I’ve stopped posting about the books I’m reading.
Here’s the new solution. I’ve managed to grab screenshots from instagram of all my old book posts (probably? maybe?) and from now on I’ll be keeping my list here. On my very own blog. Over which I have total control. (Just so you know what’s going on here). (I mean, I suppose I could start using the Goodreads account I abandoned 11 years ago, but what would I do with all these photos?)
Have you read any of these? Have any to recommend?
A few from the old Goodreads account and/or that I didn’t take photos of because of the ‘system collapse’ funk:
I think I’ll still post on IG when I’ve added a new read here, just so you’ll know to check.
We all feel better now, right?
Maybe THIS is the reason that fate/(technology) has decided to frustrate me by sabotaging my book recording system. Never have I ever had a consistent system for keeping track of books that I want to read. Until NOW …
(What should I add to this list?)
Thanks for looking,
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Jaye McLaughlin is an award-winning newborn and family photographer serving Westchester, NYC and beyond since 2010.
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