It was marathon Sunday in NYC – one of my favorite days to be in the city. After a long day of cheering on amazing athletes who were pushing themselves to their personal limits, I was riding the train home. All the family members with me were snoozing away – exhausted by fresh air and and enthusiasm – and I was reflecting on why I had no desire whatsoever to pursue a running goal. Am I an underachiever? Missing the athlete gene? My mind was wandering as I opened up my phone.
That’s when I saw it — the results of the 2024 Click and Co. Best Family Photographer Awards had been announced! I recognized the work of several photographer friends as I scrolled through the beautiful gallery … holding my breath, maybe?
And then THESE two images appeared before my eyes as having earned honorable mention! (Yes, you scrolled past the both of them a while ago. I don’t like to bury the lede).
Am I comparing this achievement to having completed the NY Marathon? No way.
Trying to console myself for having collected zero athletic achievements for most of my life?
Trying to find a more creative way to share this latest little (utterly unathletic) feather in my cap, which I’ve known about for several months at this point but have procrastinated over sharing?
Yeah, it’s that last thing.
Kidding aside, it always feels good to be recognized by an institution in the industry. These photos sit along side some incredible family photos that add to my inspiration to continue to better my craft.
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Jaye McLaughlin is an award-winning newborn and family photographer serving Westchester, NYC and beyond since 2010.
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