It’s feast or famine around here sometimes. I’m blogging every day, starting new series and sharing sessions as they happen, until suddenly … it stops and I’m terribly behind on everything. Ah, life. I’m making it a priority to get back on the horse this week, starting with this (late!) edition of my monthly Moments of the Month post. I’ll begin with what’s probably my favorite photo from March. This one:
I took an online class in March – “The Magic of Light” – and it really challenged me to look more closely at things that I appreciate and find new ways to capture them – NOT just my kids, but everything. One of the biggest takeaways is that I’m now trying to take photos of things that fall outside of the daily shenanigans of my immediate family. See below. It’s kinda fun. One taken during a fun #sabbaticallife date with my friend Deirdre (see @jayemcl on Instagram for more of this fun), one taken on the Metro North train, and one taken in one of my favorite places, Grand Central Terminal.
It snowed a lot in March.And there were also several crazy warm days, like that one day we went to see the Orchid Show at the NY Botanic Gardens. Isn’t this one fun? I call it “Fern Face.” 😉
St. Patrick’s Day is always a big deal around here.
And I had my last date with Kate on “Kids’ Night on Broadway” — she’s eighteen now, and while I hope we’ll always continue this tradition of seeing a Broadway show for her birthday, the days of paying half price on Kids’ night are officially over.
Contrary to what you might think, this get up is NOT in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. She’s a FROG for the PMHS Olympics, of course. (She did make the news on St. Patrick’s day wearing a similar and equally outfit – you can see in my Instagram photos below).
Job interview for Emmett at the beach club means fun in the the sand for Paul while we wait.
Shopping with boys. My favorite memory from this day is captured in an iPhone photo in my Instagram feed, below. Patrick and I were shopping for school clothes and Paul decided to stand in the store window and pretend to be a mannequin. While Matt took a nap. The passers by were amused, and so was I.
A visit with friends. We visit lots of friends, but this is always our most photogenic friend visit of the year. Because
That time in February when we watched “Zoolander” on a rainy day? We’re still paying for that.
How did people learn musical instruments before the internet?
Cutest promposal ever. The brothers (and sister!) agree. (Since they got to eat the donuts).
Weird stuff happens in my house on a daily basis.
I did not take this picture.
Kate’s last Sock ’n Buskin show – Barnum!
Rec basketball champs.
Homework is more fun with a friend, they say.
This guy’s fourteen now. Crazy, right?
I keep up (mostly) on Instagram, at least:
If you’re not following me on Instagram, you should do that. I’m HERE. News from two months ago is fine (and as you may know from my Cobbler Series, it’s how I keep the end-of-the-year compilation from becoming overwhelming), but it’s much better when it’s slightly more up to the minute.
Thanks for looking,
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Jaye McLaughlin is an award-winning newborn and family photographer serving Westchester, NYC and beyond since 2010.
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