September always seems to get short shrift here in my Moments of the Months post. It begins looking like this, with overgrown buzz cuts, lazy stances and bubbling resolves to get back into the swing of a new year. I take an annual poetic license and post several September photos in my August Moments of the Month post because these kinds of photos feel much more like summer than the clean, perky and new things that I feel like September should hold.
The September post always has the obligatory “first day of school” photos. With four kids in four different schools with four different start times, these also felt a little ragtag this year. Eleventh, tenth, seventh and third grade — here they come.
When you think about it, September really is a shock to the system. We leave lazy, hazy and crazy days behind and immediately start running full speed. I spend the first several weeks after school starts just trying to figure out where I’m supposed to be, where each of my kids is supposed to be, and how to possibly get my head to stop spinning.
There are quiet moments, though, and gradually the routine begins to feel, well, routine. And truthfully, that’s exactly what I always start to crave in August every year. The routine feeling routine. It’s comforting.
Matt and Paul had fun running Pelham’s first Community Color Run.
Who is that purple kid, and will someone PLEASE give him a haircut?
We took a weekend trip to Boston toward the end of the month — part “getting away from it all” and part “let’s start seeing some colleges!”
Crazy, right?
A highlight of the trip was a stroll through Quincy Market Saturday night, where we stopped to watch some street performers. First one McLaughlin was recruited into the act. Then two. Then three. The remaining 50% of the McLaughlin family — along with a large crowd of Boston tourists — were treated to quite a show.
It was a great month! You can see the “One Second Every Day” video HERE and my Instagram snaps here:
Thanks for looking!
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Jaye McLaughlin is an award-winning newborn and family photographer serving Westchester, NYC and beyond since 2010.
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