Shhhhh. I can’t even talk about how ridiculously late I am with this post. Let’s just cut to the chase — I need to share some moments from our October before I can move on to the McLaughlin Family Adventures from November and December!
In October, my baby boy turned SIX. Muffin parties, presents, and an army birthday party ensued.
“The balloon game” is a hit at every birthday party I’ve ever had at the house. It takes on different forms — this day, the balloons were “grenades” — but is always the highlight.
Obstacle course set up and manned by big brother Emmett. Doing magic tricks in his new ninja turtle sweatshirt.
Music with the Murphys.
Speaking of music … there’s always lots and lots of music in our house. In addition to songs on the radio (which is full time Christmas music now, BUT we’re talking about October!), I’m lucky enough to hear piano, drums, guitar, clarinet, standup and electric base, and clarinet in my house, with an occasional smattering of mandolin and ukelele. Pretty cool, huh?
October is a huge month for SPORTS! Lots and lots and lots and lots of soccer, cheerleading, football, and rugby. (See the Instagram Pics at the end of this post for the rugby highlights — bad mommy didn’t bring the good camera to any rugby games …).
Pelham Street Fair
Hanging around — crafts, homework, reading, and more football.Halloween featured a Ninja, a pig (not pictured — again, bad mommy) and two characters from Monte Python’s Quest for the Holy Grail — Tim the Enchanter and the Keeper of the Bridge of Death.
Lots more moments captured with the trusty iPhone and Instagram. There’s a picture of me doing my photography thing — I spend a LOT of time on that in October. Also more birthday celebrations, some fun grown up nights out (including one where Matt and I dressed as scuba divers, did I mention that?), and the plain old stuff that fills my happy days.
And that’s it! How was YOUR October? 🙂
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Jaye McLaughlin is an award-winning newborn and family photographer serving Westchester, NYC and beyond since 2010.
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